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About Us

Support Iowans

In the heart of Iowa, amidst the rolling fields and welcoming communities, four individuals came together, each bearing a personal story that ignited a flame of determination and compassion within them. Their journeys intertwined, weaving a tapestry of resilience and empathy, leading to the creation of the Iowa Community Care Foundation.

At the helm of this endeavor stands an executive of a healthcare cooperation, whose father's unwavering commitment to service as a veteran and later as a long-term care facility administrator served as a guiding light. Inspired by his father's legacy, he ventured into the healthcare industry, driven by a deep-rooted desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

Joining him was a seasoned nurse, whose 18-year-long journey in healthcare was fueled by a passion for caring for people. With unwavering dedication, she witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by healthcare workers, believing fervently that their tireless efforts deserved recognition and support.

Another member brought a deeply personal perspective to the table, as a parent of a child with William Syndrome. Through the lens of their own experiences, they became acutely aware of the struggles endured by the intellectually disabled population, igniting a fervent determination to advocate for their rights and well-being.

Tragically, the fourth member bore the weight of a profound loss, as their teenage daughter succumbed to a mental health issue. Amidst their grief, they found the strength to transform their pain into purpose, channeling their energy towards supporting others facing similar challenges and combating the stigma surrounding mental health.

United by their shared experiences and a common vision for change, these four individuals embarked on a journey to create the Iowa Community Care Foundation. With unwavering determination, they set out to tackle the pressing issues close to their hearts – providing care and support for veterans, advocating for the intellectually disabled, raising awareness about mental health, and honoring the invaluable contributions of healthcare workers.

Through their collective passion, compassion, and resilience, the Iowa Community Care Foundation was born. Together, they stand as beacons of hope in their community, inspiring others to join them in their mission to create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

Join us in our journey as we strive to make a difference, one life at a time. Together, we can build a world where compassion knows no bounds, and every individual is valued and supported. This is the story of the Iowa Community Care Foundation – a testament to the power of passion, empathy, and the unwavering spirit of humanity.


Emilie Agan

Anna Barker

Bruce Boehm

Tim Flug

Shawn Johnson

Debbie Mortimer

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